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April 15, 2009

80's Comeback from a True 80's Baby...

It's funny to me that in 2009 kids have taken such a huge interest in the 80's. I was born in the early 80's so I remember the original Thunder Cats, Box haircuts, tight jeans, when Salt & Pepa was the shit, when Nintendo first came out, when Teddy Ruxpin was THE TOY (before Elmo) and when if you didn't have a Cabbage Patch Kid(for girls ages 1-12), you were a NOBODY!!!

The new "80's kids" were all born in the nineties but seem to have no identity of their own (or at least it seems that way) so they want to be just like their older siblings or mentors.

I don't even want to dress like we did as kids in the 90's. I remember shell toes and wind breaker jogging suits and jheri curls!!! I remember when you recorded a mixed tape from songs on the radio!!! Walkmans! I remember when BET had Donnie Simpson and Tracey Spencer, Tevin Cambpell and Shanice Wilson were the hottest things out for young black youth.

It's cool to show respect for an era but to totally want to live it is another thing. I respect the 60's and the 70's but I'm not wearing platforms or bell bottoms unless I'm going to a costume party.

When I'm in Lenox mall or over at the AUC mentoring, I look at the kids and smile and want to ask them to tell me some things about the 80's but stop myself. Why embarrass them when I know that most of the 18 and 19 year olds dressed in my birth decade gear even don't know when the original Nintendo came out (1985)or what you had to do to the cartridges after a while of playing Super Mario Brothers or Duckhunt or Contra.

Man they don't even know who My Buddy(the doll) was!

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