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May 13, 2010


I'm all for allowing people to define their romantic relationships however they see fit, but ummm can you really claim someone as yours if you're not together? Open relationships seem to be like playing Russian roulette; could be exciting but ultimately are extremely dangerous. Someone is always going to be the good cop (the faithful one) while the other is the bad cop; it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

If you have "mad love for each other," doesn't that love suggest wanting to take care of the other person's heart? I don't know how it is possible to protect someone's feelings when you're keeping the door open to possibly have those same feelings for someone else.

I've found that people who claim to be in open relationships most often are not doing so by their own choice. Most often, they are forced upon one party by the other. This got me to thinking,

What makes open relationships any different from just casually dating?

FROM: http://www.itsthelaurenshow.com/

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