Hate It or Love It Most Popular Posts

August 11, 2010


Our parlance overflows with pseudonyms and titles to grant to lovers or significant others of varying degree. If you were ever engaged or married before then that individual's label/title is easy enough to reference. That was your fiance or your spouse. The two of your were in a well defined relationship. That person has earned their ex label.

How do you qualify the Fuck buddy/Cutty Buddy/Bust-it-Baby/Booty Call or the Friends with Benefits or the "Just Someone You're Dating"when you are speaking to the newest lover?

Can there be no emotions involved if there's no title assigned?

Ever since I learned the term Yesterday in relation to anyone you've been involved with on any romantic or erotic level I've found it more than appropriate an all encompassing umbrella. Lately, I've been thinking that perhaps it over qualifies those who may not deserve it and oversimplifies those who deserve more.

In our day and age of multiple lover categories and possible titles what makes and ex an ex?

FROM: http://www.itsthelaurenshow.com/

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