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January 3, 2011

"Ask the questions you need to know, listen for what you want to know."

Once in awhile we all seem to be a little nosey... inquisitive... or a bit too curious. But as of late there have been a couple acquaintances of mine that seem to think they are entitled to know just a little too much information about my personal life, than what I deem they should need to know.For example...

Him: What did you do last night?
Me: Dinner at Art and Soul.
Him: Oh who did you go with?Me: Oh a friend of mine.
Him: Oh who?
Me: You are so fucking nosey... I told you what you needed to know.

And what kills me the most is no matter how many times several people tell this person how nosey they are... they just do not get the point.Not sure about the others but I choose to keep a lot of my personal life to myself, especially from boys that like to sit around like 2 gossiping girls and tell your business. When I was a child and I became too inquisitive my mother always called me on it and told me that somethings are just none of my business. I will never forget her once telling me... "Ask the questions you need to know, listen for what you want to know."

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