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February 1, 2011


Alarmed at a recent spate of gun violence, a group of black ministers today called for a “violence-free February” as a way to commemorate Black History Month.

“Let us stop using violence to settle conflicts,” said the Rev. Charles Harrison, chairman of the Ten-Point Coalition, a clergy group.
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“No violence, no street justice, no murders, no revenge killing,” Harrison said. “Let us build a community of peace.”

The preachers were joined by Mayor Greg Ballard and the city’s top police officers, Public Safety Director Frank Straub and Paul Ciesielski, chief of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.

Ballard noted that crime in Indianapolis is down, but that it needs to be lower still. “There’s another level the city wants to get to,” he said.

Straub struck a darker note. “This is a time of shame and sorrow in our city,” he said, noting there were 13 homicides this month, including the shooting death last week of IMPD Officer David Moore.

The ministers urged churches to erect the message “No Guns, No Violence,” on their signboards to promote their campaign. But violence is not caused by guns, Straub said. “Violence is about the absence of respect.”

Harrison announced two upcoming meetings to address the matter, on Feb. 15 and Feb. 28. The first meeting would take place at the Indianapolis Urban League between the ministers, law enforcement officers, and business, civic and religious leaders.

The second meeting will be at the Indiana Historical Society, and parents will be invited to hear discussions about parental responsibility.

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