Hate It or Love It Most Popular Posts

February 2, 2012


Have you ever been faced with the dating dilemma of picking looks over personality? I didn’t realize this is so commonplace, but a couple of my guy friends tell me they deal with this all the time. They may meet two women they are attracted to and will pursue both for a period of time. Then they have figure who they are attracted to the most.

My friend Brad says that often times the personality enhances a woman’s looks, but there are times when it does not. He has noticed that a bad attitude on a good looking woman can become tiresome…”eventually”, that is.

How do you rank personality and looks in importance?

Have you ever picked looks over personality and regretted it later? Did you ever date someone because of their personality and passed up a more physically attractive person?

It may seem like a shallow question, but can your looks make up for a less then stellar personality?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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