The 2010 Census found that one out of 50 Georgians described themselves as mixed-race, a notable increase from 2000.
Georgia was one of nine states where the number of residents who claimed at least two races increased by at least 70 percent between the last two national population counts.
The U.S. Census Bureau detailed the findings Thursday.
In 2010, 207,489 Georgia residents claimed multiple races. That's an 82 percent increase over the 114,188 in 2000.
The 2010 group was 2.1 percent of Georgia's total population. It was 1.4 percent in 2000.
The 2010 census included six race categories.
Georgia's mixed-race growth far outpaced the national figures.
More than 9 million Americans claimed at least two races in 2010. That was up about a third from the 6.8 million in 2000.
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September 29, 2012
September 27, 2012
When it comes to the discussion about domestic violence (or as they say in barbershops, “laying hands on a woman”), we’ve been doing it wrong.
We love to talk about it, but not until it becomes an actual thing in the news, when famous people are either the perpetrator or the victims of such an act. Then, the media goes out of its way to act like it cares. They say it’s a serious problem, start applying a whole bunch of statistics and try to say the celebrities involved are a reflection of an ongoing issue and we need to talk about it!
All of it is legit, because domestic violence is a legit issue and we must talk about it, we must educate people on it beyond the fact that it’s wrong, because we need it to go away. But domestic violence is never going away, and part of that has to do with our inability to really do any of those things I just mentioned. I bring this up because as someone who witnessed it in their own home growing up, I get disgusted the way we cover it in celebrity news.
I hate the way these discussions focus on individuals who we don’t know in any real way. We want to use them as props for a discussion that we should always have, but the reason we don’t, the reason it eventually goes away and lies dormant until the next celebrity thinks it’s a good idea to lay hands on their partner, is because to take it out of the celebrity context is to put the spotlight on us.
We want to talk about this issue, but we want to do it in the least personal way possible. I sort of get that, because you know, privacy and all, but domestic violence is deeply personal to many of us because we actually went through it or were affected by it. As a matter of fact, it’s because it’s happened to us in a real way that we want to say anything about it.
As far as I’m concerned, no one should be talking about the choices of a Chris Brown or Rihanna post-that-horrible-incident unless they’re willing to talk about why they actually care so much. You want to talk about Chad and Evelyn, but if you’re only talking about them as opposed to the deeper issues they’re dealing with, you’re basically recapping an episode of a reality television show that hasn’t aired yet.
Every single time I hear about a domestic violence case in the news, I get goosebumps, especially when I see ones that took place in front of children.
When I read stories about a man who chose violence as a way to get his point across while the children were home, I think about those kids because I know what it’s like to be those kids. But I don’t want to talk about it, not at length, nor in detail, and that’s a difficult thing to admit. It is absolutely wrong for a man to lay hands on a woman, that much has been clear for I don’t know how many years, what isn’t clear is why it still happens.
Love is a great equalizer because it makes all of us dumb. It makes us accept and tolerate things we probably wouldn’t if we were in our right mind. But love has nothing to do with our mind and everything to do with our hearts, we just don’t want to admit it. Common sense will tell you don’t stay with a man that you’re afraid is going to hit you again, but love is why you have faith that he won’t.
Common sense will tell you to never hit a woman, but love will be the reason you won’t ever hit her again. I get tired of people using their heads to talk about two people who are acting with their hearts. Get logic all the way outta here. This is the show we deserve folks because most of us know love makes us do the dumbest shit ever. We need to talk about the issues with the men who have committed such an act and the women who either take them back or never push them away after it happens.
Once we talk about that, then we might finally be getting somewhere. But in order to do so, we would have to start talking about our own experiences with it. We would have to admit that we’re no better than someone like Chris Brown or Rihanna, that even though we may not be #teambreezy on a matter of principle and political correctness, we know someone, (sorry, loved someone) who was just as flawed as him and committed similar crimes against the fairer sex.
It’s easy for us to call Rihanna a fool because at times she looks and sounds like she would take the ex who beat her back swiftly, but we know someone or maybe we were that someone, who did the same, and that’s even more troubling.
The biggest lie we tell ourselves is we actually care about what Chris Brown or Rihanna does because they’re celebrities. But it’s like that section in US Weekly, we really care about them because this incident and the after-effects of it make them more like us than we care to admit.
That’s why, when it comes to domestic violence, we talk about them more than we talk about us.
September 26, 2012
September 24, 2012
September 21, 2012
Humility requires you to simply give others credit knowing that you didnt make it all on your own and also to share your mistakes because you may help someone to avoid the same thing.
Pride requires you to act like you never mess up and pretend that you didnt have help from anyone other than yourself.
My point? We're all currently meeting the requirement of one of these 2 words...pride or humility.
Introspection is a blessing.
Pride requires you to act like you never mess up and pretend that you didnt have help from anyone other than yourself.
My point? We're all currently meeting the requirement of one of these 2 words...pride or humility.
Introspection is a blessing.
Everyone is pinching pennies these days, including employers. Hiring freezes, lower salary offers to new hires and smaller raises for existing employees have become commonplace. The unfortunate effect is that many workers will have to accept -- or at least consider accepting -- lower salaries. Still, taking a pay cut is a big deal. So how do you decide whether lowering you salary expectations will help your job search or hinder you in achieving what you're really worth?
Unfortunately, the answer isn't clear-cut, says Cheryl Palmer, a career coach and owner of Call To Career. "Many job seekers do not know what the market will bear, and as a result their expectations are out of sync. Some people arbitrarily decide that they will not take anything less than the salary that they made before being laid off. Others read or watch the news reports of the bad job market and decide that anything is better than nothing. Both of these approaches can lead to poor decision making because they are based on incomplete information."
In order to make an informed decision on whether your salary expectations are reasonable, you must first research your industry and the salaries of others in comparable positions. "It is imperative that job seekers research salary information so that they know what is reasonable to expect for someone with their level of experience in the geographic location where they are looking for work," Palmer says. Websites like can provide information on average starting salaries for hundreds of different industries and positions. By finding out what the going rate is for skills like yours, you can be sure your asking price is in line with that of your peers.
Your salary research will shed light on your job search in one of two ways. If you find that you are earning wages in line with others in your field, there is no need to make an adjustment. Asking for a salary below the industry average will not necessarily give you a competitive edge, and may in fact be a hindrance to getting hired; if your salary timeline shows a history of making more money than you are asking an employer for, the company may be afraid you will bolt as soon as a better offer comes along. As long as you're asking for a reasonable salary that is in line with the going rate for your position, there is no need to lowball yourself.
On the other hand, you may find out you are shooting too high: "If the median salary range in your region of the country and position is $75,000 to $85,000 and you have expectations of six-figure earnings, you will be disappointed," says J.T. Kirk, author of "Confessions of a Hiring Manager." If you find that you are making more than 20 percent above the industry average, you may want to re-evaluate your asking price.
If you do find yourself in the latter category, consider the following factors before deciding to lower your salary requirement -- and by how much.
1. Urgency: "If there's less pressure to find something immediately, then [job seekers] may be able to stick closer to their ideal salary expectation it just may take longer to find something," says Greg Masiewich of IQ Partners, a Canadian recruiting firm. "If someone needs [a job] immediately, then often lowering salary expectations will help them do that."
2. Competition: "An industry where there is a ton of competition and candidates are plentiful may result in people needing to lower salary expectations," Masiewich says. "If they're in a specialized industry where their skills are still in high demand, then they may not have to ... it comes back to supply and demand." 3. Benefits: Consider what extras -- such as an excellent 401(k) plan, flexible scheduling or a family-friendly corporate culture -- are worth to you. Benefits can make up for a smaller salary.
4. Negotiation: "If someone does have to accept a lower level position or take a pay cut, I think they should try and negotiate an offer that contains some sort of pay for performance provision," advises Linda Duffy, president of Leadership Habitude, a career strategy consultancy based in Irvine, Calif. "If they can show the prospective employer their added value and help the employer achieve some specific goals, then they would receive a bonus or bump in base pay on a date certain. Not all companies are willing to make that deal, but it doesn't hurt to ask."
Additionally, if you have special skills, an advanced degree or experience at a name-brand company, you may be able to negotiate a higher salary than those who don't.
5. Your bottom line: Although you may be willing to take a pay cut in order to get a new job, it's important to figure out your bottom line -- what you need to make in order to pay your bills and live comfortably -- before accepting a lower salary. If you accept too little money, you may find yourself unable to make ends meet or resenting your low pay, and you'll wind up looking for a new job all over again.
Ultimately, taking a pay cut is tough, and the decision to do so depends heavily on your personal situation. Doing your research, figuring out your bottom line and keeping an open mind will help you best determine your optimal salary.
Unfortunately, the answer isn't clear-cut, says Cheryl Palmer, a career coach and owner of Call To Career. "Many job seekers do not know what the market will bear, and as a result their expectations are out of sync. Some people arbitrarily decide that they will not take anything less than the salary that they made before being laid off. Others read or watch the news reports of the bad job market and decide that anything is better than nothing. Both of these approaches can lead to poor decision making because they are based on incomplete information."
In order to make an informed decision on whether your salary expectations are reasonable, you must first research your industry and the salaries of others in comparable positions. "It is imperative that job seekers research salary information so that they know what is reasonable to expect for someone with their level of experience in the geographic location where they are looking for work," Palmer says. Websites like can provide information on average starting salaries for hundreds of different industries and positions. By finding out what the going rate is for skills like yours, you can be sure your asking price is in line with that of your peers.
Your salary research will shed light on your job search in one of two ways. If you find that you are earning wages in line with others in your field, there is no need to make an adjustment. Asking for a salary below the industry average will not necessarily give you a competitive edge, and may in fact be a hindrance to getting hired; if your salary timeline shows a history of making more money than you are asking an employer for, the company may be afraid you will bolt as soon as a better offer comes along. As long as you're asking for a reasonable salary that is in line with the going rate for your position, there is no need to lowball yourself.
On the other hand, you may find out you are shooting too high: "If the median salary range in your region of the country and position is $75,000 to $85,000 and you have expectations of six-figure earnings, you will be disappointed," says J.T. Kirk, author of "Confessions of a Hiring Manager." If you find that you are making more than 20 percent above the industry average, you may want to re-evaluate your asking price.
If you do find yourself in the latter category, consider the following factors before deciding to lower your salary requirement -- and by how much.
1. Urgency: "If there's less pressure to find something immediately, then [job seekers] may be able to stick closer to their ideal salary expectation it just may take longer to find something," says Greg Masiewich of IQ Partners, a Canadian recruiting firm. "If someone needs [a job] immediately, then often lowering salary expectations will help them do that."
2. Competition: "An industry where there is a ton of competition and candidates are plentiful may result in people needing to lower salary expectations," Masiewich says. "If they're in a specialized industry where their skills are still in high demand, then they may not have to ... it comes back to supply and demand." 3. Benefits: Consider what extras -- such as an excellent 401(k) plan, flexible scheduling or a family-friendly corporate culture -- are worth to you. Benefits can make up for a smaller salary.
4. Negotiation: "If someone does have to accept a lower level position or take a pay cut, I think they should try and negotiate an offer that contains some sort of pay for performance provision," advises Linda Duffy, president of Leadership Habitude, a career strategy consultancy based in Irvine, Calif. "If they can show the prospective employer their added value and help the employer achieve some specific goals, then they would receive a bonus or bump in base pay on a date certain. Not all companies are willing to make that deal, but it doesn't hurt to ask."
Additionally, if you have special skills, an advanced degree or experience at a name-brand company, you may be able to negotiate a higher salary than those who don't.
5. Your bottom line: Although you may be willing to take a pay cut in order to get a new job, it's important to figure out your bottom line -- what you need to make in order to pay your bills and live comfortably -- before accepting a lower salary. If you accept too little money, you may find yourself unable to make ends meet or resenting your low pay, and you'll wind up looking for a new job all over again.
Ultimately, taking a pay cut is tough, and the decision to do so depends heavily on your personal situation. Doing your research, figuring out your bottom line and keeping an open mind will help you best determine your optimal salary.
September 20, 2012
Tell me if you want me to
I wanna make it good for you
I promise, boy, that I'll be true
So tell me if you want me to
Copied from
I wanna make it good for you
I promise, boy, that I'll be true
So tell me if you want me to
Copied from
September 19, 2012
The crash and burn marriage
of reality stars Chad Johnson and Evelyn Lozada has officially ended in
divorce. A judge in Florida signed off on the divorce this morning
setting both parties free.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that DNA tests run on George Zimmerman’s
gun grip excludes Trayvon Martin as the donor, meaning the teenager did not wrestle with the former neighborhood watchman for his gun as he claims.
Prosecutors released another batch of evidence this morning, the Orlando Sentinel is reporting.
Zimmerman, 28, is charged with 2nd degree murder in the shooting death of Martin in February. The teen was returning to his father’s girlfriend’s town-home in a gated subdivision near Orlando when he was confronted by Zimmerman, who was the self-appointed neighborhood watchman. Zimmerman is free on $1 million bond.
Prosecutors released another batch of evidence this morning, the Orlando Sentinel is reporting.
Zimmerman, 28, is charged with 2nd degree murder in the shooting death of Martin in February. The teen was returning to his father’s girlfriend’s town-home in a gated subdivision near Orlando when he was confronted by Zimmerman, who was the self-appointed neighborhood watchman. Zimmerman is free on $1 million bond.
September 15, 2012
September 14, 2012
September 12, 2012
I wanted to reach out to her, but I didn’t. I feel like when people are going through something I’m confused about whether I should say something or not, because so many people are saying stuff to them. I don’t talk to Evelyn regularly, but I do know her, we do text if we need something from another. The only advice I would have for Evelyn is to be quiet. I wouldn’t say anything else. To me, it makes matters worse and I would be quiet and try to it handle privately.
Read More: Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody… «
Read More: Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody… «
I met and fell in love with this older man. Im 28 and he is 44. We were seeing each other for 3 years when I decided to introduce him to the family. We had a birthday party for a family member that I brought him to, it was more like a “reunion.” Anyway as SOOOOON as we walked in my aunt screamed, “Oh My God, what is HE doing here? How did she find him?” Looked like she had seen a ghost. Im looking confused, my boyfriend is looking confused and then he says, “Hi Neicy, what’s wrong with you, what do you mean how did she find me?” My aunt pulled him to the side, by now my mother has come over and she starts crying. Im SO confused, my boyfriend is SO confused and looks dazed.
Read More: What the Hell? Are They Bat Sh*t Crazy or....(MUST Read) « Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody…
He and my aunt talk while my mother takes me in to the restroom and reveals that he is my dad. That they had gotten together one night after a game and that she became pregnant and never told him (she even transferred schools because she went to another state to live with my great aunt during the pregnancy).
After I nearly had a mental breakdown, I walked out the bathroom to find “dad” and he was gone. I tried to contact him to no avail for 3 months, I was confused but IN LOVE, we had 3 yrs together. After about 8 months he came to my house. He told me he had been receiving counseling but could not overcome his love for me as his girlfriend. Since we had no DNA to prove paternity, we got back together. My cousin “Q” continues to ask me, “Why do you want this man?” I get what he’s saying but I DIDN’T KNOW…WE DIDN’T know. We did not, could not believe this was true so we decided to take a DNA test in July. I had the results sent to my sister “C” and it has showed 99.8% accuracy. We were devastated. But now we have had 3 yrs and an additional 9 months together (after the separation).
We practiced restraint since July and decided to try to have a dinner together a 2 days ago to discuss how we would move forward as father/daughter, but we slipped up and our passion took over. We dont FEEL like father/daughter. After the encounter, we even discussed moving to another state to be together, but it’s not practical. I know we are wrong but HOW DO WE MOVE ON? We will always be in love. This is breaking our hearts and driving us crazy. Is it THAT bad to sleep with dad (since we didnt know)?
Read More: What the Hell? Are They Bat Sh*t Crazy or....(MUST Read) « Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody…
September 11, 2012

A 30-year-old Sunrise man is charged with attempted second-degree murder and criminal transmission of the AIDS virus, along with five other charges involving sex with a 15-year-old boy, according to Pembroke Pines police.
Keith “Keyoko” Sumlin was arrested Wednesday after the boy told his mother the two had sex and that he later heard the older man was HIV positive, according to a police report. The mother took her son to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood for an HIV test.
The preliminary result was positive, according to the report. Before they had sex, Sumlin said he was 21 and asked the boy, “Are you really 18 years old?” according to the police report. From the report: “The def asked ‘Are you really 18 years old,’ and the victim replied ‘no.’ The def then asked, ‘Are you 17,’ at which point the victim replied, ‘Younger.’” The teen later told a friend that he had met Sumlin via a mobile phone app and that he had invited the man to his home in Pembroke Pines, where they had sex without condoms.
The friend told the boy that Sumlin was HIV positive and “has a secret Facebook page wherein he posts videos of himself engaging in anal sex with males that appear to be under the age of 18,” according to the police report.
Pembroke Pines police detective Michael Silver wrote in his report that during the investigation he viewed a video of Sumlin posted on a social networking website. “I f---ed this little boy, videotaped it and added it to the online group,” Sumlin said in the video, according to the police report. “And I don’t use condoms when I have sex and you call me sick, don’t worry about me, worry about who gave it to them.”
Sumlin, who is being held at the Broward County Jail on $280,000 bond, told police he had sex with the teenager but wore a condom, the report states. Police believe there may be more victims.
If you have any information, call Pembroke Pines police at 954-436-3200. Read more here:
Clichés abound in Brazil, and it’s not just we foreigners who throw them around. One is that life in Brazil, be that in terms of romance, work or national politics, resembles a soap opera, with all its dramatic twists and turns. It’s a cliché. It’s also sort of true. But it’s also much more dramatic than that.
Another is based in the fierce yet friendly rivalry between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the country’s two biggest cities, and the jibes residents of both fling at each other. Recently I’ve been hearing this from both sides: after four and half years in São Paulo, I moved to Rio earlier this year, and have been finding out which of the clichés don’t stand up.
“Ah, paulistanos, they’re stressed all the time, they don’t know how to relax, they just work. They’re so formal, they don’t know how to enjoy life,” a carioca (Rio native) quickly explained to me on arrival. “Cariocas are more relaxed.” You hear this a lot in Rio.
“The trouble with Rio is that cariocas are lazy. You can’t rely on them. They’re always inviting you to their home, but never give you the address,” a Paulistano gently informed me before moving. “And they have no culture,” another added. “But…” a third whispered conspiratorially, “I would live there too if I could.” You hear all of this in São Paulo.
São Paulo could be Brazil’s New York, a dense, intense and immense urban jungle whose forward–thinking residents play as hard as they work. It is the engine room of the Brazilian economy. This is one popular cliché, and it is true in many ways.
In this version of events, Rio then becomes the country’s Los Angeles**: a lazily chaotic beach city, big on samba and beaches, characterised by sexy, tropical glamour. But which, with the Olympics and World Cup looming and its associated programme of infrastructure works, has suddenly found a dynamism that is putting São Paulo to shame. That’s also mostly true.
But each city, in a sense, is defined by its economics and architecture. And the images each has of the other relate, as if each was a mirror, reflecting different images of the same reality. São Paulo is where the banks and car factories are; where the money is generated and spent. Rio is where TV Globo is based, where it makes – and sets – those famous soap operas, and is home to Brazilian cinema and those famous beaches.
São Paulo is posh restaurants, avant garde galleries, and underground discos in city centre car parks. Rio is beer in plastic cups, rice and beans, flip–flops on the cobblestones, samba and sunsets.
But the trouble with clichés is that the real world, and real people, are much more complicated. Paulistanos will tell you it’s a nightmare to work with lazy, chaotic cariocas. But they themselves are nowhere near as organized and productive as they would like you to believe. And there are plenty of stressed–out, overworked cariocas who would like to spend more time at the beach.
Rio is where the big companies in Brazil’s booming oil industry are based, such as state oil giant Petrobras, along with minerals giant Vale. These are all very serious players. São Paulo has samba, and it’s better than Rio gives it credit for. Rio has its underground discos in city centre car parks, but the DJ will definitely play samba at one point.
Paulistanos invite you to their houses because there is no beach. But they also know how to enjoy themselves. In Rio many people live in tiny apartments, the city has plenty of nature and outdoor space, and plus it’s about three degrees warmer, so cariocas prefer to meet in public.
The implementation of armed police bases, called UPPs, in some of Rio’s dangerous favelas has created a sensation that the city is less dangerous than it was. This is partly true.
But that doesn’t mean the city’s problems have disappeared: in the last fortnight alone I’ve been told about two violent crimes – a house invaded and its residents tied up and robbed by armed masked men; and a guy robbed at gunpoint coming out of a bank. While the drug violence problem just seems to have been partly shifted to the Rio suburbs. But crime too is also on the rise in São Paulo.
In focusing on the clichés, both cities miss out. A lot of cariocas won’t go anywhere near São Paulo because they think the city is ugly and polluted, which is true. But all of them are missing everything that São Paulo has to offer in terms of a vibrant cultural life.
Whereas paulistanos love a weekend in Rio, but tend to stick to the city’s South Zone which, beaches and nature aside**, is actually its least interesting area. They complain about Rio’s clichés then do their best to live them out when they visit the city. Perhaps they’re so desperate to escape their infernal megalopolis they live in that by the time they get to Rio they just collapse in exhaustion on Leblon Beach. Or is that just another cliché?
September 10, 2012
September 4, 2012
FUCK a blog & anyone that makes up bullshit – you ain’t shit. I never even give a thought to unvalidated shit that gets posted online, but I’m tired of it. Been committed for a LONG time to someone and I am sooooo in LOVE with HIM! Continue to call me names that you don’t even know the definitions to and wait for this fall, #RockaByeBaby. I’m getting mine. Have a great fuckin day. This is dedicated to YOU :: – Please get YOUR thirsty asses some water.
Read More: Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody… «
Read More: Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody… «
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