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October 18, 2012


Perhaps one of the trickiest phase of a new dating relationship is the period right before you consider the other person your “only.” You are not quite at “the talk” phase, yet you are sure you are headed in the right direction.

I think it only gets complicated when one person is thinking “casual” and seeing where things go; while the other person has basically decided that things are already official. When does a relationship actually start, though? It always seems to differ for men, and ladies try to take cues from a guy’s actions, not his words.

When you are engaging in intimate acts, staying at each others home, and spending all your leisure time doing couple things – all these can mean different things to different people.

Do you need to have the official talk and girlfriend/boyfriend label before you recognize that a relationship has started?

Do you think it is something that should be clearly defined or do you prefer to take it as it comes, so to speak?

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