Hate It or Love It Most Popular Posts

October 8, 2012


Most of us have someone from our past who we regret letting go. It’s probably something that nags you from time to time. Thinking about all the what ifs: What if I wasn’t such a crappy boyfriend/girlfriend? What if I had not been a selfish jerk with commitment issues? Perhaps you feel as if there is some unfinished business between the two of you.

Is it a good idea to try and go rekindle things with the one that got away? One of my friends recently connected with a guy who considered her the one that got away. It wasn’t long before he told her that he never stopped loving her and wanted to give their relationship another shot. However, with so much time since they were last together, what are the chances another try would stick this time? Would you be open and willing to the idea?

When you think about how much we grow and change over the time (hopefully for the better?), is it possible to actually reconnect with someone from your past and make it work?

Do you have someone who is on your short list of regrets? Do you ever wonder if they are still available?

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