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October 26, 2012


I am a fan of your site! I’ve been a loyal reader for years. Keep up the great work!

With that being said, I’ve noticed over the years that you seem to have built a relationship with Tyler Perry. I love that man! Now, I’m not asking for you to hook me up or give me an introduction. LOL I do, however, want you to give him a message.

Can you tell him to leave the serious acting to the true Hollywood stars?

He is tarnishing his reputation by continuing to play these serious roles and doing a piss poor job of it. He failed at Good Deeds and now he’s failed as Alex Cross.
I really enjoy his plays and all of his Madea movies. Can you ask him to stay in his lane, and stop attempting to play roles for which he lacks the skill to portray?
I’m really proud of all his accomplishments, but this attempt to play grimy, gritty roles must stop! He is embarrassing himself. All of the Alex Cross movies have been successful until Mr. Perry filled the role.
It was laughable!

Critics are talking about how poor the script was and underdeveloped, it had to be watered down to accommodate the main character. It was awful! He needs to recognize that he should develop his skills as an actor or just stick to writing and directing. I’m tired of spending my money to support him and being disappointed.

Thanks for your time! I really hope you give him my message.

Read more: http://straightfromthea.com/2012/10/26/fan-mail-tyler-perry-was-laughable-as-alex-cross-photos-video/#ixzz2ARC3BOth

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