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February 4, 2014


Humans are really Electrical Beings so when a Man is “truly” inside a Woman, imagine a plug entering a socket. Once the plug is inside, the electricity flows back and forth. This is the very reason why men feel drained after sex. Once he releases his energy (which is the same energy used to create another life) the energy isn’t reciprocated! Now I know this to be true because out of all the women I’ve ever encountered there’s only been One “so far” who charged me up spiritually when Eye was Inside her. (She may have already had the ability without even knowing :) Imagine the number 8. If energy was inside the number 8 then it would never Xscape. Sex is for procreation and also can be used to charge two energetic beings. This is why women should use caution on what cord they allow to be plugged into them and why men should use caution on what wall they plug into as well :) I’m a guest speaker along with 4 other males speaking at the “Girls Rock Festival” March 14th join us as we speak to women on the subject of relationships. Me specifically I will deal with “Energetic Charging” and show women how to energize their partner and take their “being” to a higher level. Peace…

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