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May 26, 2015


Things you start to appreciate as a adult...A Real Adult.... 

Talking among friends, some married, some single and some in relationships, we all decided these are things that you appreciate as a 30+ that you never cared about in your 20's.... Thank you God for growth and maturity.... 

1. Somebody that gets up and goes to work WITH you, before you or after you. (Most of us were not concerned about if he/she worked in our 20's) 

2. Somebody that has a credit score of 700 plus..... 

3. He/she attends church without you having to talk them into going... 

4. She/he takes genuine interest in their kids lives and takes CARE of them without having to follow court mandates 

5. Guys-A woman still not caught up in the latest handbag and/or shoes 

6. Somebody that has traveled outside the country....Has a valid passport WITH stamps on it 

7. Self sufficient...enough said 

8. Has mastered one complete meal.....Both Males and Females agreed on this one 

9. Has stopped trying to stay faddish, trendy and using words we have to look up the definition for 

10. Knows how to dress for any and every occasion, ie, weddings, office Christmas Party, hanging out with mutual friends 

11. Is confident with who they are, where they are currently in life

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