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March 30, 2010



Yesterday, Latin singer Ricky Martin came stumbling out of the closet much to no one’s surprise. He said that announcing his gay status gave him courage and strength.

Jarrett Barrios, president of GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) applauded Martin’s move, saying “His decision to model this kind of openness and honesty can lead to greater acceptance for countless gay people in U.S., in Latin America and worldwide.”

That may be so, but Martin waited until he was 38 to finally come out. For two decades, Martin repeatedly denied being gay when pressed about his sexual orientation. In a December 2000 interview with The Mirror, Martin said:

“I guess these rumours were started by people who don’t have a life, or perhaps it’s because they want me to be like them and I’m not. I try not to pay attention to any of these allegations. I could have been married with kids for years or have 27 girlfriends, and if people still want to go around saying that I’m gay, they will.”

Martin was 28 when he made that statement. So is it okay to live your entire life as a lie and then expect to be rewarded when you finally come out and tell the truth?

Being gay and proud has been socially acceptable for at least the past two decades. Gays run the music industry, and 95% of celebrity bloggers are gay. So in 2010, why is anyone sitting up in the closet anymore? The only explanation is cowardice. Plain and simple. If I can come out at the age of 5, then these grown folks who I’m about to name can come out as well.

Here’s a list of urban celebs who are believed to be either gay or bi who should come out of the closet to help make this a better world for younger gays who feel alienated in their communities.


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