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March 30, 2010


Pulitzer prize winning author Karen Hunter is using the N WORD to describe P Diddy and Tiger Woods' behavior. Here is a quote from the book:

That’s niggardly! Hip hop stars see millions go through their hands and they waste it on yachts, parties and one even bought a $300,000 Maybach for his son’s birthday...and the kid didn't even have a license. Niggardly! A third of NBA players are bankrupt three years after leaving the league. Antoine Walker, how do you blow a $100 million? Niggardly!

Tiger Woods wants to be anything but black and that’s fine with me. I don't want to claim him. But his behavior with disrespecting his home, his wife and his children has certainly been niggardly! What message is P. Diddy sending to these youth he inspires with having all of these babies out of wedlock? What message is he sending to his kids about their mothers? Niggardly.

The author defines "niggardly" as "stingy, selfish, and not generous (not just with money, but spirit, knowledge and time)."

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