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April 29, 2010


Beautiful eyes right?

According to recent Studies, the chances of an Afro-American baby with blue eyes being born are 1 in a million. There are “brown” people with light eyes, usually light brown, green or gray, but they also share the Anglo-Saxon characteristics such as pug nose and Light hair, but a baby with all the physical characteristics of the afro-American race with blue eyes was almost impossible. Seems like Globalization is working right? It will be more common to see mixes like this one day after day. This baby has 19 months now and since he was 12 months old got a full contract and a life insurance with Paramount Pictures; you will see him in movies, commercials and magazines very soon!


Anonymous said...

That baby is so cute and his eyes are completely amazing. I wish I can have a kid with bright blue eyes like him. I bet his parents are proud of him. =] =]

Jas'Monique said...

What would make someone's parents proud of their baby for having blue eyes, as if they are better what that the majority of blacks have, which is brown? & don't post some lame, bull-crap excuse, such as it being different and unusual because so are strawberry birthmarks & no one thinks those are SOOOOOOO amazing. What's amazing to me is that so many AA people have been oppressed & taught that black features are ugly & "White is right" from day one of growing up in America. That's why all these black men run off with white women. America is continuously subconsciously conditioning the mind of the people to believe in the idea of whites being superior in all areas.... civically , intellectually, & especially genetically. As well as the white women with BLONDE hair & BLUE eyes portrayed as the poster-girl for American beauty. It's all ways about blonde hair & blue eyes. I live in Alabama (born & raised) & I can't count how many times I hear people blab about "BLONDE hair & BLUE eyes" when expressing their idea of physical perfection as if it's supposed to be better than any other colour, esp. brown. We esp. blacks have been constantly talked about & tend to be judged much harsher than others in multiple areas & looked down upon for typically possessing brown eyes & dark "nappy" hair, that we even now do it ourselves esp. when talking about the the potency of our skin colour. We have been so subconsciously conditioned, esp. the the media & tv & other social outlets, to perceive white as more attractive, that many of our typical mindsets believe the darker you are, the more unattractive you will be. And what's really sad is that we find it so hard too realize because we are so busy trying & wanting to fit in & look similar to those we were never meant to look similar to. And now we, black people, bash each other & ourselves before anyone else even gets to add their 2 cents to it because the more someone tells you "Your'e not this or that, or you'll never be as pretty as or good as so-&-so." the easier it becomes to be believed, esp. when even after the freeing of slaves & the civil rights era/ movement, we still struggle with being accepted in comparison to other races & ethnicities esp. by whites. And at most times we can't distinguish what may appear to be acceptance when it is genuinely, purely, & sometimes unconsciously tolerance. Plain 'n simple.

Jas'Monique said...

What would make someone's parents proud of their baby for having blue eyes, as if they are better what that the majority of blacks have, which is brown? & don't post some lame, bull-crap excuse, such as it being different and unusual because so are strawberry birthmarks & no one thinks those are SOOOOOOO amazing. What's amazing to me is that so many AA people have been oppressed & taught that black features are ugly & "White is right" from day one of growing up in America. That's why all these black men run off with white women. America is continuously subconsciously conditioning the mind of the people to believe in the idea of whites being superior in all areas.... civically , intellectually, & especially genetically. As well as the white women with BLONDE hair & BLUE eyes portrayed as the poster-girl for American beauty. It's all ways about blonde hair & blue eyes. I live in Alabama (born & raised) & I can't count how many times I hear people blab about "BLONDE hair & BLUE eyes" when expressing their idea of physical perfection as if it's supposed to be better than any other colour, esp. brown. We esp. blacks have been constantly talked about & tend to be judged much harsher than others in multiple areas & looked down upon for typically possessing brown eyes & dark "nappy" hair, that we even now do it ourselves esp. when talking about the the potency of our skin colour. We have been so subconsciously conditioned, esp. the the media & tv & other social outlets, to perceive white as more attractive, that many of our typical mindsets believe the darker you are, the more unattractive you will be. And what's really sad is that we find it so hard too realize because we are so busy trying & wanting to fit in & look similar to those we were never meant to look similar to. And now we, black people, bash each other & ourselves before anyone else even gets to add their 2 cents to it because the more someone tells you "Your'e not this or that, or you'll never be as pretty as or good as so-&-so." the easier it becomes to be believed, esp. when even after the freeing of slaves & the civil rights era/ movement, we still struggle with being accepted in comparison to other races & ethnicities esp. by whites. And at most times we can't distinguish what may appear to be acceptance when it is genuinely, purely, & sometimes unconsciously tolerance. Plain 'n simple.