Hate It or Love It Most Popular Posts

August 24, 2010


So this quote by Jill Scott on marriage and lazy dudes did rub me wrong. In it she asserts that playing PlayStation is somehow the trait of a lazy dude. While yes, there’s a plethora of lazy dudes out there, she has it wrong when it comes to what that has to do with games.

Here is the quote:

VIBE.COM: You are one of the featured stars of Tyler Perry’s upcoming Why Did I Get Married Too. Do you see yourself ever getting hitched again following your 2007 divorce with Lyzel Williams and a broken engagement with your former drummer John Roberts?

JILL SCOTT: I don’t think I’ll get married again. I’m not looking for it. What I can say about my divorce and my failed engagement is that I learned where my bar is. I used to pray for a man who had potential, but that’s not my prayer anymore. Not only does he have to have potential, he has to have had accomplished some things in his life. He has to have a work ethic, because I don’t want to come home to someone sitting on the sofa playing PlayStation. I’m looking for someone who works as hard as I do. Who loves their work as much as I do, so at the end of the night we have something real to talk about, something exciting that makes our blood flow and boil. I need my man to be my homie. If you can’t help me grow, there’s no point with you being in my life.


She sounds a little bitter. Its going to be alright boo boo.

Remember, video games are recreational entertainment. You know, something that you do when your NOT working. So when I’m not hard at work because I was WORKING all day, or all week and its now weekend and instead of watching ‘So You Think You Can Dance”, “Gossip Girls”, or “Real Housewives” or anything on television for that matter I often would rather play games. It’s that simple. Women waste hours watching these shows so why is it that when a guy spends an hour or two on Madden he is thrown in the lazy dude category.

So yeah she had a failed marriage and a failed relationship with dudes that were not driven so why bring games into the equation. These types of comments are so tired. Still I love you Jill. Straight up.

My homegirl tells me that women hate video games because when dudes focus on them they completely ignore the women in the room. Believe me there is more to it than the whole lazy dude thing. Women hate to be ignored. So they do hate the ignore machine. Fellas make sure your handling your business and your spending quality time with your women. But you already know that. Right? And ladies you do have something to do while he plays games? Right?

So yeah its not just the ladies fault with hating games. It’s also all those dudes out there that need to grow up and get their shit together. Honestly though don’t blame the games blame the dudes. There’s plenty of guys out there that play games and get that paper.

Ladies pick better dudes. Jill Scott shouldn’t blame Sony because that was how her ex-dude wasted his time. You don’t blame Hennessy because someone drank it and then crashed their car do you? You blame the irresponsible individual.

My advise to the ladies is to get a real man who can handle his business and deserves to play because he works hard.

Pick better dudes.

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