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May 11, 2012


When you are in a relationship and you happen to hit a rough patch, it suddenly becomes easier to get distracted by other people. That harmless flirting starts to become a little more than flirting. The next thing you know, you are being tempted to get attention from someone other than you significant other. It’s natural and normal to be attracted to other people when you are unavailable. It is how you handle it that makes or breaks a relationship. Some people use it as an excuse to get more attention they are missing. I think a lot of people are not prepared to deal with temptation because they didn’t expect to be tempted. What do you do when you are involved with someone but you find yourself attracted to someone else? Does it mean you should break up and explore things with the new object of your desire? When you are in a dating relationship, is it tough to stay focused on one person and build a relationship when you are tempted by other options?

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