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November 15, 2012


Today a young man in my neighborhood offered to help take my bags in the door like he always does when I happen to see him outside and I have bags. I always refuse. He said today, "You are a strong woman, you always tell me no." His voice kinda echoed a little disappointment, (keep in mind he's like 19/20). That disappointment resonated with me. I decided to let him help me. Boy! Was it so much easier!

...Then it hit me -me letting a man be a man doesn't negate my strength as a woman but it can build his confidence as a man. Sometimes it behooves me to sacrifice my imaginary strength to build his real and actual confidence and show appreciation for his gentleman etiquette. We need more confident young men, so I think I did my good deed for today, but somehow deep down on the inside, I know it was more of a teaching moment for me.

I smiled at him and told him thank you, and he smiled back and said you're welcome. Sometimes as a woman I am so used to carrying the load on my own, so busy being strong, that I deny the help readily available to me cause "I got this!" But today I realized I don't have to "have" everything. There are some arms stronger than mine willing to help. SMH, Revelation comes at the weirdest times with me I swear, look @ your neighbor and say..."let that man (young man, old man, middle age man) be a man" lol

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