Hate It or Love It Most Popular Posts

November 16, 2012



1. Germany (too smelly)

2. England (too lazy)

3. Sweden (too quick)

4. Holland (too dominating)

5. America (too rough)

6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)

7. Wales (too selfish)

8. Scotland (too loud)

9. Turkey (too sweaty)

10. Russia (too hairy)



1. Spain

2. Brazil

3. Italy

4. France

5. Ireland

6. South Africa

7. Australia

8. New Zealand

9. Denmark

10. Canada

First off, who knew the Dutch were dominating. Never would have guessed that one. And does the Scottish thing of being too loud even count when you can’t understand them?


As for best lovers, I would defend Brazil over Spain but that classic siesta allows for plenty of horizontal “rest” time. Brazil is quite obvious. Carioca men alone impress with their public make out skills. That and the fact that they mount just about anything. Practice does make perfect… or almost.

I will say though that Canada threw me a bit for a loop. I would have thrown another Latin country in there. Maybe the 15,000 women haven’t been to Colombia, Argentina, Chile, or any of the other numerous Latin American countries. Hello, it is called LATIN LOVER for a reason.

And why is it that the worst loves have reasons and the best lovers don’t? It would be hella convenient if you had, for example: Spain (oral), Brazil (doggie), Italy (body kissing), French (oh where my imagination takes me), etc.

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